
Network Outages Affecting Email

04 November 2022

Harbour Exchange Data Centre London

Harbour Exchange Data Centre, London


There is a network outage affecting some email delivery from some domains that are hosted at the Harbour Exchange Data Centre in London.
There are no issues with servers at the datacentre and everything is working normally, it is relative to network outages. 

Disruption occurred at 8am this morning 4th November 2022

Websites hosted here are unnaffected, however system disruption is affecting POP, IMAP and SMTP email.

If you are encountering repeated requests from your email client to  re-input your username and password, this will be the cause of it.

Please note that for those affected, logging into your webmail will bypass the issue and from there you can compose, send and receive emails.

NB: You do not need to change your usernames or passwords

Hosted exchange mailboxes, Administrator tools and Apps are operating normally.

We will update this page as the situation changes.

Thank you for your patience.

Update: Initial disruptions have been resolved.

Further investigations identified other contributing factors masking issues at local level which, once identified, were resolved almost immediately.

As ever, face value issues invariably need to be challenged to identify dependencies and isolate conditions to arrive at a correct diagnosis.
It's always good to talk!



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