
Mobile friendly content Management System

30 June 2016

The text is too small and I can't do a simple update on my mobile phone

Have you been in the position where you have published content on your own website or the company website and have left for the day only to receive a call to say that there is an emabarrassing faux pas that needs sorting out like now and fish out your mobile phone.

I've been there, really, I have been about to board a flight, a bit of stress, can someone else do it for you? They need usernames and passwords ......they don't know what to do once they have access.

Mobile responsive content management systems, not just websites

We recognise the distinction between desktop only and mobile responsive websites in respect of user friendliness, penalties imposed by Google in mobile searches and website abandonment.

Smartphone showing mobile responsive cms

However, apart from a lot of really good, quality apps, there does not seem to be much of a focus on mobile responsive content management systems (CMS).

The CMS on the webintelligent website (our own website) itself is not mobile friendly and my innate response to adding content is to wait until I am in front of a desktop pc.

Sometimes you get an idea and want to action it straight away


I can probably do the website updates that I want on a mobile phone but to be honest, will probably give up with frustration unless it is absolutely necessary. It will take twice as long as on a desktop and be a frustrating time with all the scrolling. What I input is published as mobile friendly content but the experience and time required just makes it a non starter.

We have evolved, progressed 


So incorporated on our newer websites now (we'll get round to our own eventually) and moving forward we have adopted mobile friendly content management systems.

One of the more recent websites that we have produced with a mobile responsive CMS has 19 editable categories in all including products for sale and all of them employ full html editors and it just works.

Of course you would prefer to use a big keyboard

Don't get me wrong, If I had the choice between making updates on a smartphone or a desktop pc even with a mobile friendly CMS, it would be desktop every time.

On the tube,on the bus, in the pub I watch with nothing short of envy, these apparently double jointed  hi speed typists (of a generation younger than myself I might add) despatching emails, snapchats, tweets and smileys with, it seems nothing more than a cursory glance at the screen but I suspect that Bletchley would be required to decipher some of it and it would probably not make for good “copy”.

It's about knowing that you are able to do it


However in comparison with having to scroll a NON mobile friendly CMS on a mobile phone our CMS makes adding content far and away eminently do-able and if something needs editing or adding whilst out of the office, on the train; an article needs to be pulled and made inactive, a date amended, or the composition of a draft publication; it really is so easy and one can log in with the confidence of knowing that it will be “mission accomplished” no problem.

We create bespoke websites, but if you know of any good mobile content management systems that are “in production”  (as opposed to apps) that you are impressed with I would love it if you would let us know and why you would recommend it or similarly if you have a particular pet hate that would make your day if a fix was applied.

Thanks for reading, Bill Blackie

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