Web Hosting

We have been interacting with data centres for 23 years and have servers on windows and linux platforms, using dedicated servers and cloud VPC servers and shared servers.

Ecommerce hosting and websites that have dynamic data which change on a daily basis have different requirements to static websites.


Backing Up Your Data

We offer web hosting on an annual basis complete with backup just in case you press delete and lose that all important data.

We upgrade our dedicated servers on a regular basis to keep abreast of the latest tried and tested technology with a focus on security, processing speed and bandwidth.

More recently we have decommissioned two servers running on the Centos 7 platform just prior to them reaching their scheduled “End of Life” and with it the ongoing support, development and security updates.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

We operate servers that range from having an incremental backup every 15 minutes with a full end of day back up and other servers that have a daily back up on a 24 hour basis. 


Independent Inter Data- Centre Recovery

Datacentres do fail and when they fail the typical responses are the process of investigation, identifying the cause and depending on the nature of the problem, the time to implement measures to resolve the problem.

This may affect certain aspects of service, such as email provision, bandwidth and communication issues or it may impact on every aspect of the service such as in the instance of the major power outage at the Equinix's Docklands IBX LD8 in 2020 which compromised service from around 0400hrs to 2150hrs, the culprit being a faulty “uninterrupted” power supply (UPS). 


As a result of that incident we configured an inter data centre failover. The additional core feature was to be able to operate the switch-over to the alternative datacentre independent of the compromised datacentre.


With a 15 minute back up frequency, the dataloss on (the tried and tested) switching to the DR Datacentre was a time frame 0.1 to 14.99 minutes.




Service restored in minutes.
The task of identifying lost data and data which triggered other processes is minimised due to the back up frequency. 



Domain Registration 

When we register domain names for websites that we are developing, we always register them in the name of the client. This means that the domain name is the client's and Web Intelligent Ltd have no legal rights to the domain name whatsover and act as agents only.

This means that you have complete domain ownership and the flexibility to host and or move it wherever you want. 


When you register a domain name , it is effectively being "leased" to you from the registrar for a defined period typically 2 years but can be much more. 


Domain Renewal
At the end of the initially purchased period, the domain name must be renewed. Failure to renew will allow the domain to lapse and be invisible on the internet. After a further period of time the domain will be voided and be available to be registered to another individual or party.

SSL Certificates

We arrange and promote SSL certificates to enhance the security of your website more especially associated with ecommerce websites.